Online movies ready to download
If you want to watch movies on your smartphone or tablet without resorting to the usual streaming services, there are alternatives out there, such as that offered by 123Movies Android, a mobile app in APK format that offers you all the latest releases, along with classic movies and the latest episodes of the top TV series around at the moment.
Free movies from different producers
This free HD movie service offers us all kinds of movies, including new releases and classic films acclaimed by critics and the app's users. In addition, it features a search tool that allows us to find different titles according to criteria such as name, category, year, actor.... and we can also watch a preview of any movie before we dive in so that we don't have to wait for it to play or download to check it out. What's more, 123Movies Android features a user-friendly interface where we can select different viewing quality options.
In short, if we decide to download 123Movies APK for free, we will have access to plenty of movies and TV shows to cover all our entertainment needs without having to pay a dime.
Requirements and additional information:
- Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.4.
- The installation of the app by means of the APK file requires the activation of the "Unknown sources" option within Settings>Applications.

With a degree in History, and later, in Documentation, I have over a decade of experience testing and writing about apps: reviews, guides, articles, news, tricks, and more. They have been countless, especially on Android, an operating system...

Sean Mitchell